tuh link blog aku skrg , bye2 , blog ni abaikan

May 15, 2011

The Reason i love you

i dont know how many reason i have but it is true

1. you always send me a happy Good morning message .
2. you alway text me 1st .
3. you still come to my neighbourhood to play guitar with even it almost dusk .
4. you alway ask me '' boring ke , sorry :( '' when you see i look bored .
5. reason no.4 show that you care about me :]
6. there a day that you fall asleep when we were texting , i know i maybe bored you , or you may did't want to end the conversation :]
7. you alway talk about my wide lip :face19:
8. you are fun to talk with :]
9. yeah you realy make smile:face40:
10. you chase me when i did't see that you around
11. you congrat me when i get a more than 50 Follower
12. you put our name on your guitar pick
13. you put our name in your phone wallpapper .
14. you understand me when i really cant make it .
15. you give me one of your pick , i give you mine .
16. you appricate me when i hold myself from sleeping
17. we both like My boss My hero , a japan comedy movie :]
18. i like your voice , people say you have a high voice like a man voice , i it not . i dont care
19. your hairy hand like a monkey is so damm rare :]
20. you say that i make you not bored .
21. you alway accidenly struck when walking .
22. you alway tell me what you see , doing , what around you .
23. i still dont have a reason .

keyh bye :face69:

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